Friday, September 09, 2011

Equilibrium - Health. Family. Balance.

Here's a little logo I did for my cousin Heather's new business. I think we may have set a record as she accepted the first logo design. We only had to do some colour tweaks.

The Broker newsletter redesign

This newsletter, now in more of a magazine format, has been around since the beginning of time. Or in a different form since the 1940s when our company came to be. This is the design I am recommending, though it hasn't been approved yet. Insurance doesn't have to be ugly. But it might still be boring!

MySGI wordmark

This wordmark for our online customer self-service area hasn't really gone anywhere since I designed these two options back in May. There were a lot of bad ones before I recommended these as the best.

Web icons and e-learning skins

I don't do a lot of stuff for online, but I recently did some icons (some just modified from Shutterstock and some from scratch) for the roll out of the online services section of our new website.

I also did these "skins" (like slapping on your brand) for our e-learning training site. 

Corporate Strategies illustration

This corporate strategies illustration was from early in 2010 before I went on maternity leave. It never went anywhere.


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